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Hi There! I’m Blake Windham

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huckleberry fin: Welcome

chapters 1-5

chapters 1-5

Chapter 1:

Huck and Tom Sawyer got back from their journey of finding treasure into the more civilized world and Now people are teaching any more civilized ways to do stuff like learning about reading and writing and stuff like that.

Chapter 2: Tom Sawyer gets the slaves to a cave and then they start the Tom Sawyer gang in the cave And everyone takes an oath by writing their names in blood.

Chapter 3:

Chuck test his face and then Tom Sawyer's gang ended up resigning after a month then they planned to Rob people that came into town that had diamonds but just turns out that it was a Sunday school picnic.

Chapter 4:

Huck is getting used to living a civilized life. Huck refuses money that judge thatcher offered him. Huck asked Jim to ask his magical hairball what his dad is doing in town. When huck finally found himself in his room he found is dad there as well.

Chapter 5:

Hucks dad gets thrown in jail, and when he comes out he goes with new judge, then judge gives him new clothes, a place to sleep he tries to reform huck's father but it doesn't work. He sells his new coat for money to buy alcohol, and falls out of a window and breaks his arm.

  • Describe time period of novel

  • How does the perspective/point of view of the narrator influence the story

  1. The time period was way back in the day, when there were still slaves and they used the N word as frequently as saying hi. This was before segregation ended and african americans came into our lives and were as equal as the whites just like they always should have been. They also talk about Huck smoking like hes already a grown man and hes aloud too. We thought those were the most important influences and things thqat happened compared to today.

2. The narrator influences the story because it gives tom sawyer’s side of the story and huck

huckleberry fin: Skills

My Experience

Background & Expertise

huckleberry fin: Experience

chapters 6-11

Why Did Pap Lock up Huck?
Pap took Huck and locked him up because he was upset with the new lifestyle Huck was living. Pap was frustrated with Huck because he was going to school, dressing nice, content with life, and learning about religion. Huck was living a better life with the Widow than he would if he was living with Pap. Pap would lock Huck up so he could go out a party 

What is an abolitionist and how does it relate to the story?
 An abolitionist is someone who wants to end slavery. Abolitionism is a historical movement to try and end the African slave trade and set slaves free. Huckleberry Finn is based in the 1800's, when slavery was still legal. In this time period, many people had slaves to help with housework and do the things that they didn't want to do themselves. After Mrs. Watson's slave escaped and found Huck, Huck was afraid that he was going to be called an abolitionist because he was with  Jim. Huck is afraid that if people see him a Jim together, people will see him as an abolitionist.


Chapter 12-16

 1. What is the story of King Solomon and his child? How does Jim interpret that story?  Part of the things they got from the steamship was a load of books. Huck reads some of them to Jim and they get into a conversation about dukes and kings and the like. He tells Jim about all the pomp and circumstances surrounding these kinds of men. He says he's never heard of kings before, except for Sollermun. Jim is skeptical that kings can get all the riches they want just by sitting around all day.

  2. When he wakes up after their separation in the fog, what does Jim’s reaction to Huck tell us about him? How do you feel about him at this point?   Huck tries to trick Jim by pretending that Jim dreamed up their entire separation. Jim tells Huck the story of his dream, making the fog and the troubles he faced on the raft into an allegory of their journey to the free states. He gets mad at Huck for making a fool of him after he had worried about him so much. To huck's reaction it made him realize that huck is a little sensitive, and its just how Huck reaction to the situation, and almost made Hucke scared, and Jim realized it.

 3. Jim is very superstitious. From a historical standpoint, why do you think this is? -“It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger, but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.” What does this line tell us about Huck?  I think Jim has been superstitious is because he has been a slave, so they believe what they hear and assume things for many happenings. This shows us that Huck has a little sensitive side/ shy. Sometimes he acts like he's all tough and can do anything, but when he says some lines you can tell he has a shy/ sensitive side.

   4. “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger-  but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.” What does this line tell us about  Huck?  When Huck said this it shows that he is hesitant to go against what societies view on black people are and that they aren't anything but slaves because he would have to put himself "below" Jim and be humble towards him when apologizing. But Huck feels bad for playing a joke on him and apologizes to him for doing so and afterwards says that he isn't sorry and that he meant it towards the situation. This also shows that Huck is beginning to see Jim as more of a slave and is seeing him as a man who is just as much of a human as he is.

 5 At the end of chapter 16 Huck is struggling with giving Jim up. Outline the battle that he has with himself, and explain his actions when the men come up looking for the 5 escaped slaves. Huck has become closer with Jim and sees him more of a friend and doesn't want to loose him but  he also  knows that if he helps Jim escape he would be breaking the law so he is trying to decide . Miss Watson did so much for him so he feels bad for helping Jim escape from his "rightful owner" but Jim tells him that Huck is his only true friend. He continues to decide on what to do and realizes that he will feel worse if he turned Jim into the authorities and decides that it would be best to let Jim escape. When Huck comes upon some men in a boat who want to search his raft for escaped slaves. Huck pretends to be grateful, saying no one else would help them. He explained to the men that his family is on board the raft and is suffering from smallpox. The men back away in fear of getting the sickness themselves tell Huck to go further downstream to get help and leave Huck forty dollars in gold. 

huckleberry fin: Education

chapter 17-21

1.The Grangerford family is a family that offers to let Huck stay with them for as long as he likes.  Huck admires the house that the grangerfords live.  They are very strange people and are in a fight with the neighboring families.
2.In the novel he points out that they have been in a feud for the past year or so.  They do not know why it started or how it started, nobody knows.  At one point two of the Grangerfords get caught in a gunfight with the Shepherds.  Both of the Grangerfords are killed.
3. They are two con artists that were caught in a bad situation and saw Huck and Jim riding the canoe down the river and asked for a ride one mile downstream.  He goes along with there stories because he didn't want to get in a argument or fight over the issue.  The older man says that he is Dauphin the long lost son of the king of France.  The younger man claimed he was a poor English duke.  
4. His problem with the plan is that it may not work out to his exact plan, if there is a money reward other people will want to take Huck and steal him from them.  This may make it so the chances of him getting caught are greater.

huckleberry fin: About Me

Chapter 22-26

Chapter 22-26
1.That line might fetch people because the men think it's going to be something really special. Something just for them, since there are no women or children allowed..
2.Huck doesn't think that it'll make a difference if Jim knows that the King and the Duke are liars. They're still going to act the same way. Nothing will change.
3.Huck is talking about how the King and the Duke are pretending to be the brothers of a man who just died because he has a lot of money. They want to get the money so they're pretending to be his family and faking being heartbroken over this man's death. 

They decide to stay to get more money. The Duke wanted to leave. He didn't want to rob the orphans of everything they had but the King refused.

huckleberry fin: Education


What I’ve Learned

huckleberry fin: Education

   chapters 27-30

1.  Staying up with the Dead
Many people would stay with the dead to ensure that nor rodents or insects would get to it, and overall keeping the corpse safe in general. However a bigger reason was tradition. Staying with the body kept you closer to the spirit, and since religion was so huge during this time, people would often perform rituals or bless the body to help the journey to heaven be easier. They didn't want the spirit to be alone, and they didn't want them to have any trouble reaching the better place they were headed. 
      2.  When Huck tells Miss Mary Jane about the slaves...
Throughout the book we have seen Huck get more and more empathetic, and in this moment we learn that he is truly a very caring person. Unlike most people at the time, race didn't matter to Huck, he wanted to help everyone. So, when he saw how hurt Miss Mary Jane was about the family, he wanted to help somehow. So, he told her the truth that the family would be reunited soon. Huck went from wearing a brave, inconsiderate mask to hide his big, caring heart; to embracing it. 
        3.  2 methods the townspeople used.
The King, the Duke, and the two brothers were called into a meeting with a lawyer. First, the lawyer had all four men sign a paper so the handwriting could be compared to that of  the letters. The King made up a lie to get himself out of the clear fail. Secondly, Harvey (the real brother) brings up that his brother had a tattoo on his chest which then brings up following questions about the tattoo, which would be confirmed by the undertaker to see who was fake.

   chapters 31-35

1.  "You can't pray a lie." 
Jim had been captured due to reward flyers, and would now be returning to slavery. He wanted to write to Miss Watson and tell her where Jim was, however that would prove that Huck was an accomplice to a slave's escape. He began to pray that Jim would find Miss Watson, but he was praying for something that he didn't completely want to happen, therefore 'praying for a lie.' He also began to pray about not doing any more bad deeds, but again, he knew this wasn't entirely true. In the end, Huck is saying that you cant pray about something unless every part of heart wants it, if you have evn the slightest thought against this prayer, it doesn't qualify and isn't worth the prayer.
      2.  Huck tears up during his letter. 
Huck was initially going to write a letter to Tom Sawyer, so Tom could tell Miss Watson of the details on Jim. But, no matter who Huck wrote to or what he said, Jim AND Huck would end up in a lose lose situation. Miss Watson would simply sell Jim, or the story of Huck helping a slave to escape to freedom would get out to the public. Jim and Huck had been through a lot together. They grew extremely close and bonded more than anyone would have ever thought. Thinking about Jim's good heart, their friendship, and how mich better Jim truly deserved; brought Huck to not only tears, but a final decision that he would steal Jim back from slavery. 
      3. Huck is disappointed in Tom
I think that Huck being disappointed in Tom Sawyer is very hypocritical, because Huck asked Tom for a help and is lucky that Tom would be willing to help him. By calling Tom a bad person he is caling himself a bad person. 
      4. Huck says 2 things at the end of chapter 33
Huck means that humans will go to great lengths to provide for themselves, they will do horrible things to get to the top, even if it means hurting someone else in some way. When he speaks about the conscience, he talks about how no matter what you do your conscience always finds a way to make you feel some way. When the con men are being punished, Huck still feels bad for them, because his conscience allows him to put himself in their shoes and see that they were just trying to make a living and chose the wrong path.
      5.  The Escape Plan
Huck came up with a simple way to get jim out of the shed, but Tom decided that they needed more style points. They needed to look good if they were going to go through with this. So, Tom came up with a complicated but stylish plan. Huck thought that it was easily worth 15 of  his own plan if they judged by style. 

huckleberry fin: Education

Chapters 36-40

chapters 36-40

 Chapter 1: Huck and Tom tiptoe through the Widow’s garden. Huck trips on a root as he passes by the kitchen, and Jim, one of Miss Watson’s slaves, hears him from inside. But ends up stealing 3 candles, and leaves a nickle. 

Chapter 4: He starts to adapt to his new life and goes to school. The he spills salt and believe he will get bad luck.

 Chapter 5: The Judge and Widow Douglas try to get custody of Huck but give up after the new judge in town refuses to separate a father and son

 Chapter 2: Tom Sawyer ended with Tom and Huckleberry finding a stash of gold some robbers had hidden in a cave

Chapter 3: Tom and Huck meet boys who are supposed to be apart of toms robbery band. They are signed a oath in blood to join and all had to give permission to kill their family members if they tell their band secrets. 

Chapter 5: Pap wants Huck to read hum a book but when he found out that he can actually read the threatened to beat him if he ever went near another school 

 Time Period: You can tell the time period is around 1830-1840, because the way they explain things, and descriptions shows the time period. Also the language and types of content they use you can tell its in the 1800's. 


I think that the perspective would be as a kids perspective because Huck is a kid and hes mainly a character, and the way things are worded, and it is first person so it would make sense if it was from a kids perspective, or Hucks perspective. 

(Chap. 6-11

1. Why did Pap lock Huck up?

Pap locked Huckleberry Finn up because he wanted to show Huck who was boss. This was because Pap was mad that Huck Finn was going to school and learning.

2. Create a visual of how Huck escapes the shanty.

3. Explain what an abolitionist is, and why Huck doesn't want to be one.

An abolitionist is someone who wants to end slavery. Huck doesn't want to be called an abolitionist because he lives in the south, where there are slaves. If people think that he wants to end slavery, they'll dislike him.

4. List 3 things that would give away a person if they pretended to be the opposite gender.

  • Hair Length

  • Facial Features/Shape

  • Voice

 (Chap. 12-16)

 1. What is the story of King Solomon and his child? How does Jim interpret that story?  Part of the things they got from the steamship was a load of books. Huck reads some of them to Jim and they get into a conversation about dukes and kings and the like. He tells Jim about all the pomp and circumstances surrounding these kinds of men. He says he's never heard of kings before, except for Sollermun. Jim is skeptical that kings can get all the riches they want just by sitting around all day.

  2. When he wakes up after their separation in the fog, what does Jim’s reaction to Huck tell us about him? How do you feel about him at this point?   Huck tries to trick Jim by pretending that Jim dreamed up their entire separation. Jim tells Huck the story of his dream, making the fog and the troubles he faced on the raft into an allegory of their journey to the free states. He gets mad at Huck for making a fool of him after he had worried about him so much. To huck's reaction it made him realize that huck is a little sensitive, and its just how Huck reaction to the situation, and almost made Hucke scared, and Jim realized it.

 3. Jim is very superstitious. From a historical standpoint, why do you think this is? -“It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger, but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.” What does this line tell us about Huck?  I think Jim has been superstitious is because he has been a slave, so they believe what they hear and assume things for many happenings. This shows us that Huck has a little sensitive side/ shy. Sometimes he acts like he's all tough and can do anything, but when he says some lines you can tell he has a shy/ sensitive side.

   4. “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger-  but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.” What does this line tell us about  Huck?  When Huck said this it shows that he is hesitant to go against what societies view on black people are and that they aren't anything but slaves because he would have to put himself "below" Jim and be humble towards him when apologizing. But Huck feels bad for playing a joke on him and apologizes to him for doing so and afterwards says that he isn't sorry and that he meant it towards the situation. This also shows that Huck is beginning to see Jim as more of a slave and is seeing him as a man who is just as much of a human as he is.

 5 At the end of chapter 16 Huck is struggling with giving Jim up. Outline the battle that he has with himself, and explain his actions when the men come up looking for the 5 escaped slaves. Huck has become closer with Jim and sees him more of a friend and doesn't want to loose him but  he also  knows that if he helps Jim escape he would be breaking the law so he is trying to decide . Miss Watson did so much for him so he feels bad for helping Jim escape from his "rightful owner" but Jim tells him that Huck is his only true friend. He continues to decide on what to do and realizes that he will feel worse if he turned Jim into the authorities and decides that it would be best to let Jim escape. When Huck comes upon some men in a boat who want to search his raft for escaped slaves. Huck pretends to be grateful, saying no one else would help them. He explained to the men that his family is on board the raft and is suffering from smallpox. The men back away in fear of getting the sickness themselves tell Huck to go further downstream to get help and leave Huck forty dollars in gold. 

(Chap . 17-21)

        1. The Grangerford family is the perfect family of their time. They are super rich and have butlers and maids that help them with almost everything they do. Everybody in the family has their own personal butler that helps them with whatever they desire. The Grangerford family may seem like the perfect family with all latest things and the butlers. But put aside all of the luxuries and the comfort and you’ll find a world of fear and hate in the Grangerford family. For over 30 years they’ve had a never ending beef between the Shepherdson family and them. Each family is trying to kill the other, until nobody is left. The South may have nice houses and great things, but it also has some nasty history behind the perfection.

2. Buck, tried to shoot a young man, his name was Harney Shepherdson. But he misses.  Huck standing there confused asks Buck why he tried to shoot him. Buck then explains the family situation. The only thing not matching up is the fact that they don't know why they are fighting in the first place. Back in the 1800's, farmers and ranchers had many conflicts on deciding which title went with which job. When ownership over land became a thing, in areas where ranching was prospering, it was the farmer who was responsible for the fences. But when wheat farming was important, and it was the rancher who was responsible for keeping livestock out of crops. Since this was a common conflict in the 1800's it is very well compared to the family problems.  Each family takes it somewhat far each time, so far into this point by the end of the chapter. 2 members of the Grangerford family are killed in a gunfight between the Shepherdson. After seeing that, it scares Huck off, and he flees onto the raft with Jim to get as far from the "Perfect" crazy family.

3. When Huck does talk about not wanting to talk about something. This gives us, the idea that Huck is upset about what occurred.  Not much later do we realize something bad happened. Usually when something bad happens, most people keep it personal and dont talk about it. Now, We've already heard about the family feud, Huck witnessing Buck trying to kill a Shepardson family member, etc.      

4. The King and Duke are river men, that Huck and Jim noticed while floating down the river. They end up taking control of Huck and Jim's raft. The younger man says that he is a impoverished English duke and gets Huck and Jim to treat him like royalty. The older man reveals his true identity as the dauphin, the long lost son of King Louis of France. Huck and Jim then start to call them “Duke” and “Your Majesty." Huck quickly realizes that the two men are liars, but he does not let them know that he knows what's really going on.

5. Huck and the "Clan" on the raft have only been traveling at night to avoid Jim possibly being caught as a runaway. Since the King and Duke take over the raft, the Duke comes down to a solution. The solution is that while traveling during the day with Jim on the raft, If they get caught, they will pretend as if they had captured Jim as the missing runaway slave and are taking him back to his owner. The duke comes to believe that this is a great solution because Jim doesn't have to hide during the day and they can travel down the river and not waste time during the day. If they were to be questioned an told someone the runaway slave was found, word would travel fast and the owners would expect to have their slave back.

Chapters 22-26:

1.  When the duke wrote "Ladies and children prohibited" on the bottom of the flyer for the play he had hopes of bringing in more people to their show. He also said “If that last line doesn’t bring them in, then I don’t know a thing about Arkansas!”. The duke said this to catch the attention of the men because Arkansas is a part of the southern states that are trying their best to keep slaves and not allow women to have equal rights. This caused more people to attend their show because southern men would be intrigued by the restrictions and attend due to the fact that they stand for the same cause.


a. Huck doesn't think that it’s necessary for Jim to know that the King and Duke are lying about being a real King and Duke. Jim wouldn’t understand if Huck was to tell him the truth, because he doesn’t really know much about them, so he doesn’t see a reason for him to know. Huck is trying to keep Jim safe and not letting him get caught by playing along with their story, so when it comes down to it, Huck may be doing the best thing to do.

b. In the story, Huck said something about not being able to tell the King and the Duke apart from real royalty, even though they aren’t. The King and Duke cheated the people who wanted to come to the play by only putting on a few minutes shows that cost full price, and putting out false advertisement for the show. Huck knows that there are many cases of royalty cheating out people while their in power, so he started to compare the two situations. Even if Jim was to know the truth and Huck was to tell him everything, he still wouldn’t understand how real royalty truly is.

3. In the book, Huck says "It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.”. I think that Huck said this because the Duke and the King were being selfish, as they are. Then they decided to act like the brothers of a dead man to get his land, and wealth he left behind. Jim and Huck also pretend to be their servants. Overall I think that Huck was ashamed that they were pretending to be people they weren't, when they were talking about a real life being lost.

4. The Doctor knew that the King and the Duke were faking it because of the Duke’s British accent. The Doctor said that it was the worst accent he had ever heard and because of that, he recognized that the King and the Duke weren't actually related because they didn't know anything about the man himself or his life.

5.  The Duke and the King considered leaving that night with the $6000 in gold. Even though they don't even end up leaving in the middle of the night. The King ends up coming up with an idea to wait before he leaves, and to sell all the slaves to gain more money. In the end they were gonna have more money than they were previously going to have if they left in the middle of the night with the $6000. ​]

Chapters 27-30:



1. Why did people stay up with the dead during this time period? The act of protecting someone that has passed away from when they die until their funeral is known as "Shemira". The main reason that they had guards was to protect the deceased from bugs and rodents eating the body. They guarded the body out of respect for the dead because they shouldn't be isolated before they go into their new "home" in the ground.

2.  What do we learn (or reaffirm) about Huck when he tells Miss Mary Jane the slaves will see their family again in inside of two weeks? We know that huck has a kind heart, but Huck could not stand to see Mary Jane as upset that she was. When Mary Jane  was reacting to the slaves family being split a part, she ended up being extremely upset and Huck had noticed this. He also knew that she was struggling with the death because he saw her crying alone at night. He decided he wanted to make her feel better so he told her that the slaves will not be separated forever. This shows us how Huck has a kind heart and how much he actually cares for other people, and their situations. But  it also isn't the first time that we have seen this from huck.


3. What were the two methods the townspeople used to try to identify who the brothers were and who the frauds were? Once the two brothers showed up and it started a problem, the lawyer decided to give the frauds a writing test so he could determine who they are. All 4 men were required to write their signature so he could compare it to past signatures and documents. The test proved that the King and the Duke were frauds but the King told the lawyer how unfair it was since Harvey’s hand was broken, they wouldn’t of been able to prove who was who. Harvey then speaks up and says that only he knows of a tattoo that is on his brothers chest. Harvey also claims that the man who dressed the body would back him up on it. The King and Harvey began to give detailed descriptions of the tattoo and the man who dressed the dead body.It surprised everyone. They decide to dig up the body to see who was right and then find the bag of $6000.

Chapter 31- 35

1. Huck says “You can’t pray a lie.” What lie is he trying to pray about? What does he mean? Huck was asking god for forgiveness to help Jim escape. Back then it was illegal to help a black person escape from their owner. Huck had become best friends with Jim but couldn't do anything to help Jim. Knowing that it was wrong, Huck still tried to ask for forgiveness but decided he didn't want forgiveness because he believed that he didn’t do anything wrong. It was just wrong by society.

2. Why does Huck tear up the letter he writes? He wrote a letter telling Tom to let miss Watson know of Jim’s location. While writing the letter he remembered of how good of a friend Jim was him. He then decided to tear up the letter because he would rather take the chance and go to hell in order to stand by Jim.

3.What do you think of this? I don't believe that Huck was disappointed in Tom but more that he was shocked by the Tom’s behavior. Tom Sawyer went from being a guy who wanted to create a gang to steal and kill people to helping a slave escape and that’s what shocked Huck because Tom always did what he thought was cool and tried to fit in.I think it’s wack that it was so bad to help someone of a different color.

4.Huck says two things at the end of chapter 33:

1.“Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.”

2.“But that’s always the way: it don’t make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person’s conscience ain’t go no sense, and just goes for him anyway.”

What does Huck mean by these two statements? 

5. Why are Tom and Huck looking for a more difficult way to break Jim free? ​ Tom and Huck chose to free Jim in a harder way because it was cooler. Tom wanted to steal a slave with a little more style then Huck’s original plan.

Chapter 36-40

  1. In the process of breaking Jim free, what is Tom’s motivation? What is Huck’s motivation? (Why are they doing it?)I believe that Tom and Huck had different intentions when breaking Jim free. Tom just wanted to pull off the coolest stunt in history and be know for the boy who freed Jim.  Huck, however, just wanted Jim to be free again.

  2. What do Huck and Tom mean when they say they “let on” about something? Why do they do this? (Begins on chapter 37)Huck and Tom created a rope using Jim's bed sheet. At the end of the paragraph Huck says, "We let on it took nine months to make it."Anytime they use this phrase it means they pretended to do something.

  3. Why is Tom writing the letters and posting warnings? Why did he give instructions to his aunt and uncle’s slave?

  4. What are his motivations for this? (Chapter 39)Tom is writing these letters so Uncle Silas does not get the word out that he has captured Jim via the newspapers of St. Louis and New Orleans because Miss Watson would see them.

  5. We’ve worked a great deal on this novel’s satirical elements. How is the planning and plotting of Jim’s escape by Tom and Huck satire?I believe that it’s satirical because it makes fun of how people will do anything for clout. Now a days people rob stores, vandalize and do drugs just for some followers on instagram. Girls lose their morals and forget their value and post half naked pictures just for compliments. I don’t think that Huck’s point of view is satirical because he truly cares about jim and doesn’t want any fame from freeing him.

  6. Towards the end of the chapter Huck says “I knowed he was white inside” about Jim. Why does he say this and what does he mean?When they got to the boat Jim refused to let the boat take off even if it took 40 years for them to get a doctor for Tom. Jim knew that Tom would do the same thing for him. This was amazing because Jim is risking his life of being caught for the safety of Tom and says he wouldn't get off the boat until a doctor came. Huck says, "I knowed he was white inside" and this means that he knew he had the heart of not just a slave but of a white. Basically, no other slaves would risk their freedom for a whites well-being, unless you have a heart as big as Jim's. Jim is empathetic just like Huck

huckleberry fin: Experience


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